Oregon Episcopal School - ALWAYS OPEN

Make a Pledge

Use the form below to create an OES Fund pledge to be paid this school year.

To make a multi-year pledge or to make a pledge to another fund designation, please contact the Development Office. To make your gift today, please visit our online giving page.

Gifts to OES are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax advisor as individual situations may vary.

1869 Society

Named in honor of the year in which the school was founded, the 1869 Society recognizes and celebrates the philanthropic leadership of individuals or couples whose combined annual gift to the OES Fund and the OES Auction paddle raise equals $2,500 or more this school year.

By placing OES at the top of your philanthropic priorities, you are making a tangible investment that has an immediate impact on the life of the School and its students.