Donate or pledge today to benefit every OES student immediately and be counted as a participant with a gift by cash, check, credit card, or stock.
Check or Cash: Please make checks payable to Oregon Episcopal School and mail to: OES Development Office, 6300 SW Nicol Road, Portland, OR 97223.
Give Online: Click here to make a gift online.
- Credit Card: You can charge your gift on a VISA, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover.
- Bank Account (direct debit): Enter you bank account and routing numbers to give directly from you bank account. This option saves OES credit card processing fees.
Many donors are able to give more by incorporating philanthropy into their monthly budget by making a monthly recurring gift. OES offers this option through its online giving page.
Pledge Online: Click here to establish a pledge payable at a future date.
Gifts of Stock: Many donors choose to make their gifts in the form of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other assets that have increased in value. A gift of appreciated securities (held for more than 12 months) may allow the donor to avoid the high cost of capital gains tax, while also receiving a tax deduction for the appreciated security. Making a stock gift is simple. If you would like to find out more, please contact the Development office, or see detailed instructions for giving stocks.
Matching Gifts: Many companies will match donations from current and retired employees. We encourage you to seek out your employer's matching gift program – it could double or triple the size of your gift.
Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN): 93-0386915
Memorial and Tribute Gifts: A way to honor or remember an important person.