The Power of Community
Dear OES Alumni,
Hi! My name is Lauren and I’m a junior at OES. I started here in the 9th grade. In two and a half years I’ve been able to present my science research project at a national conference, play two sports, join two student clubs, and make what I know will be life-long friends.
I didn’t originally plan on playing a team sport in high school, but OES’s commitment to student engagement inspired me to try something new and join the cross country team. If I told myself at the beginning of freshman year that I would break multiple school records and compete to the State Meet with my talented and supportive teammates, I would not have believed it!
Last year, I had the opportunity to take my science research project on equine hormones and temperament to the International Science and Engineering Fair in Dallas, TX with five other OES students. During the course of my project, my chemistry teacher challenged me to elevate my experimental design and guided me through complex data analysis, all while encouraging my passion for learning more about the world. At ISEF, I was immersed in a community of young scientists from around the world. This surreal experience made me realize how special it was to have the opportunity to share my work with professionals in animal science and engage with incredibly driven students in their respective interests. I am so grateful to OES for giving me this experience.
But what is really special about OES is that my story is not unique.
Every student here has opportunities to help them reach their full potential and use their power for good. And it can only happen because all of you support all of us.
I hope you'll take a moment to make a gift to OES today. As you know from first-hand experience, OES teaches you to lead, to pursue your passions, and to make a real difference in your community and in the world.
Thank you for supporting me and all my classmates at OES!
Lauren Tittel '25
“After OES, I hope to dive deeply into broad, interdisciplinary studies at a small liberal arts college. I am gravitating towards a STEM field because learning about and researching phenomena in the world excites me.”
- Patty Jeanne Semura Award for Outstanding Sophomore, Spring 2023
- International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) Finalist, 2023 “The Effect of Circulating ACTH and Insulin Hormones on Equine Temperament”
- Athletics: Varsity Cross Country, Varsity Track Captain; OSAA Most Valuable Teammate, 2023 Track Season
- Feminism Club, leader
- Environmental Club, member