Inherent in our OES Identity Statement is the full affirmation and appreciation of our physical location, our Episcopal tradition, and the manner by which we engage students in learning. As such, we strive to create and foster an intentional, safe, and nourishing student life environment, at all times, and in all places.

Our mission is a commitment toward the full and joyful development of each and every one of our unique students. To that end, there are thoughtful and age appropriate structures in place to offer broad, deep and shared experiences for our students outside of the classroom. This might include an investigation of our campus wetlands, a creative summer Extension Camp program, a service learning endeavor with the Oregon Food Bank, or a class visit to a local synagogue or mosque. Student gatherings in each division offer regular and defining moments for conversation, celebration and reflection.

The school’s commitment to the experience of each child is evidenced by the structures and collaborative staffing in place to provide physical, emotional, academic and spiritual support for our Pre-K–12 student community.

Community Life

Equity & Inclusion

Student Leadership

Experiential Education