Grade Representatives
Lower School
Parent Partnership Leaders
- Chair – Joe Leslie-Hurd
- Co-Chair - Stephanie Huiskamp
- Treasurer - Matt Huiskamp
Grade Representatives
- Pre-K– Lindsay Ford
- Kindergarten – Cori Perry
- Primary – Ciara Goodwin
- 1st – Jessica Baggenstos
- 2nd – Lexie Williams
- 3rd – Tracy Bryant
- 4th – Jodie Boettcher
- 5th – Xiaoxin Shen
Lower School Grade Representatives Responsibilities
One room parent per grade in the Lower School also serves as a Grade Representative. In this capacity, Grade Representatives help to identify key topics and issues and, as necessary, bring them to the attention of parents, teachers, and/or the administration. There are seven Grade Representatives in Lower School: one each for Pre-K, Kindergarten, Primary, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade. They attend monthly Lower School team meetings, Lower School Parent Partnership meetings, Parent Partnership meetings, and meet with the Lower School Parent Partnership Chair and/or the administration as needed. Grade Representatives also assist Admissions with the assignment of buddy families and the welcoming of new families.
Details on Lower School Room Parents
Room Parents are determined after classroom lists are published in August. Room Parents assign volunteers to assist with designated projects in the classroom and other activities during the year. They ensure that these opportunities are equitably filled. They must attend a meeting in September for training and to identify their classroom’s volunteer opportunities. They then host the volunteer segment of their class’ Back-to-School Night, handing out sign-up forms and securing volunteers.
The Room Parent is responsible for regularly communicating with the teacher and classroom parents, to ensure that volunteer slots are filled and that parents are reminded of their duties. The Room Parent is encouraged to work with other same-grade room parents to identify at least one parent “get together” (e.g., parent coffee, evening reception) which allows parents to get acquainted and develop stronger class relationships. The Room Parent ensures that party coordinators follow financial guidelines for parties, and they encourage parents to turn in receipts to the Lower School Parent Partnership treasurer for reimbursement.
There is no limit to the number of Room Parents for a classroom. Room parents may also be encouraged to meet regularly with the Lower School Parent Partnership chair, co-chair, communications coordinator, and treasurer to facilitate communications among Lower School parents.
Middle School
- 6th – MacKenzie Douglas
- 7th – Katie Auyang
- 8th – Carey Haladay
Middle School Grade Representatives Responsibilities
Middle School has grade level (6th, 7th & 8th) liaisons who work with the Middle School Head and the various committee chairs to set the agendas and run the monthly Middle School Parent Partnership meetings on a rotating basis. Grade Representatives also attend the monthly Parent Partnership meetings and report back to MS Parent Partnership meeting attendees. The Grade Representatives serve as immediate parent contacts and facilitate clear and open communication between parents and the administration.
Upper School
- 9th - Emily Chessar
- 10th – Erika Siegel
- 11th – Nina Kapur
- 12th – Kristina Davis
Upper School Grade Representatives Responsibilities
Upper School Grade Representatives serve as liaisons for the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. Grade Representatives foster clear and open communication between parents and the administration. Upper School Grade Representatives organize Upper School Parent Partnership meetings where administrative reports and parent education topics are presented.
Working closely with US Administrators, faculty and counselors, Grade Representatives schedule individual monthly Grade Level Coffees to address the diverse interests of 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade parents. Grade Representatives attend the monthly Parent Partnership meetings.