
Please enter your OES email address as your username to access this secure area of our website.

Username: Not you?

Create a new Password

Please enter your username and create a new password.

OES Employees

This page or resource is intended for OES employees. If you are an OES employee please log in using your OES email address as your username. You may be prompted to authenticate with your OES Google account.

For any questions or issues logging in, please submit a ticket to the IT Help Desk.

Seasonal Employees

If you are an OES employee but do not have an OES email address, please use the button below and enter the passkey. If you do not have the passkey please contact HR. Please note this page will remain the same and it will ask for a passkey rather than a username on the left.

Seasonal Employees Page


If you are not a current OES employee but are interested in positions for which we are currently hiring, please visit oes.edu/careers.