News from OES
The whole OES community gathered around the Belltower to celebrate the start of the new school year.
Get to know our new head chaplain, The Rev. Chris Decatur.
Rev. Spencer recently published an article entilted: The Purpose of School: Sustaining Democracy and Cultivating Humanity for the NAIS “Independent Ideas Blog,” where he reflects on the need to cultivate teachers as leaders in the civil discourse needed to uphold democracy.
The awards ceremony included both senior awards and awards in other Upper School categories.
80% of OES faculty have advanced degrees
AP and Honors courses
60+ state team championships
7:1 Student to faculty ratio
55 boarding students from 12 countries
US Inquiry Research Projects
SAT and ACT scores
47% identify as students of color
150+ students participate in US plays
85% of students play at least one sport
Upcoming Events
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Fariss Hall Conference Room
Morris House Conference Room
Lawn in front of US lobby
MS Commons
LS Library
Morris House Conference Room
OES Track (near the press box)
OES Athletic Center (Morissette Court mez.)
MS Commons
OES Track (near the press box)
LS Library
US Great Hall
Morris House Conference Room
US Great Hall
US Great Hall
US Lobby
US Great Hall
US Great Hall
US Great Hall
Morris House Conference Room