All About Portland Through Second Graders' Eyes
Posted 12/09/2016 02:08PM

If you had to pick three places in Portland and write a book on just one, which would you choose?

This is the task our second graders (like Ruby H. '27, a member of Ms. Peterson's and Mrs. Schilling's class, pictured above) have been working on since the end of October. And the final products? Detailed, informative "All About Portland" books that students shared with parents and other special guests on Wednesday morning. With tables of contents, indexes, drawings, and well-organized information, these books are wonderful reflections of the Rose City through students' eyes.

For Sal B., a member of Ms. Simms' class, it was between the Lan Su Chinese Garden, the Big Pink building in downtown Portland, and the Japanese Garden. He was delighted upon receiving the assignment of the Chinese Garden, and set to work creating his book. Sal's father and Head of the OES Boys' Dorm, Peter Buonincontro, prompted Sal by saying, "And you thought that would be a good idea because we live with so many people [in the dorms] from. . ."

"China!" Sal finished.

One student in Mrs. Blake's class, Amelia M., wrote her book about the Tryon Creek State Natural Area in the Southwest portion of Portland. As Amelia proudly read through a chapter on plants and mushrooms, then moved on to her activities chapter, she pointed out some photographs of trees she'd taken herself. "Redwoods are the tallest trees there!" she exclaimed.


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