Protestant DocuDramas Bring 14th Century to Life
Posted 11/04/2016 03:22PM

"I believe that in the end the truth will conquer."

These words are just a few of the many written over the lifetime of John Wycliffe, English philosopher and dissident within the Roman Catholic priesthood in the 14th century. As a way of helping them understand early criticisms of the church, C.T. Henry decided to task his Early Modern Europe history students with producing their very own "Protestant DocuDramas." 

These short plays, written and performed by the hard-working historians, both provided background on the life of a chosen high-profile critic and brought to life the details of that critic's issues with the church. The fight to have the Bible translated into English, for example, was a major hallmark of Wycliffe's work.

Through these productions, the challenges of the Renaissance also emerged: poverty, disease, taxes, and class warfare. As each group performed, their peers took careful notes and then followed up with detailed questions after the plays had concluded.

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