Oregon Episcopal School - ALWAYS OPEN

Athletic Teams

Athletics Program

Athletics offers all students the opportunity to participate on a team and in meaningful, physical activity.

The program promotes the health and safety of the participants and provides opportunity for growth through individual and team participation.

OES emphasizes positive group involvement, good sportsmanship, and respect for reasonable authority, fellow team members, and opponents.

OES operates on a no-cut policy — there is a team for every level of experience and skill. Any student choosing to participate will have the opportunity to be on a team and play in the games.

Percentage of Student Participation
Over the last ten years, 85% of Upper School students participated in at least one sport.

League Participation (Upper School)

  • 3-A (schools of 238-400 students*) in Boys Golf, Cross-Country, Volleyball, Basketball, Track, and Soccer
  • 4-A (401-850 students) in Girls Golf and Tennis
  • 6-A (1521 students and above) in Skiing, Lacrosse, and Fencing

*The OES Upper School has approximately 315 students

Male lacrosse player from Oregon Episcopal School in action during a game.

Directions to SPARC

The Sports and Recreation Complex (SPARC) is at a separate location from the OES main campus. Fencing, tennis, and some basketball and volleyball games are held at SPARC. A steep, unpaved path leads from the main OES campus to SPARC, but vehicles must take a longer route. SPARC is located at 6699 SW Oleson Road, and a map can be found here.