8th Grade Inquiry
Eighth Grade Inquiry is an exciting program rooted in the eighth grade that emphasizes growth mindset, process over product, and authentic student driven learning. Each student in eighth grade engages in a semester-long inquiry exploration of any topic they choose across disciplines. Students pursue individual passions, and are coached by MS faculty and experts from the community.
There are four phases of the project:
- Explore Inspiration
- Connect Ideas
- Create Meaning
- Commit Beyond Yourself
As a student, you will:
- Choose and dive deep into ANY discipline—art, science, literature, history, economics, math, language, the list goes on!
- Discover what you’re passionate about! Ask your own questions and go through your own process
- Set goals and map a plan to reach these goals
- Have real agency and independence in your learning
By the end of the semester, students produce an artifact of their learning that they believe best represents their understanding and process.