Oregon Episcopal School - ALWAYS OPEN

Intermediate (Grades 2-5)

We believe that all students work best when they feel safe to problem solve, receive constructive criticism, and are challenged to think beyond themselves. Community conversations focus on social justice, reflections, and activism within our classrooms, our school community, and beyond. Students are challenged to grow, dig deeper, show perseverance, and work through challenges while supported by their peers, teachers, and community.

We dive into social studies content, accessing and building upon academic skills to better understand ourselves, our community, and our history. With a solid base of literacy skills to build upon (reading, writing and math), the Intermediate Years challenges students to deepen their understanding of these skills and concepts, to utilize and build upon these critical literacies to uncover new truths and perspectives.

We build on storytelling and wonderings to find hidden stories of people, places of time, and perspectives. Students uncover stories from history, broadening their view based on historical evidence, critical literacy and an anthropological mindset. Integrated projects have included 2nd grade Hero Speeches, 3rd grade Oregon History Play, 4th grade International Fair, and 5th grade Immigration Days.

Second through fifth grade students follow a rotation of specials including:
  • Spanish - 30 minutes, 2 times a week
  • Library - 45 minutes
  • PE - 1 hour, 2 times a week
  • Intensive Rotations. These specials take turns meeting every day for a full week to allow for more continuity and deeper project work.
    • Music
    • Technology
    • Science
    • Art