Oregon Episcopal School - ALWAYS OPEN

Board of Trustees Information

The Oregon Episcopal School Board of Trustees is composed of individuals who embody a diverse array of talents, backgrounds, perspectives, professional experiences and skillsets that will advance the School's strategic long-term success and vitality. 

The OES Board of Trustees develop and oversee the School's Mission and help to guide the strategic direction of the School. The Board also hires, supports, and reviews the Head of School and ensures appropriate oversight and governance of the School's financial and physical assets.

Trustees are elected to an initial three-year-term and may be re-elected to serve an additional three-year term. The Head of School, appointed by the Trustees, serves as a non-voting member of the Board for the length of tenure. 

The Board of Trustees leads several committees, including the Inclusion Committee to ensure the School's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is realized throughout the School. 

A complete listing of Board members can be found here.

OES Board of Trustees

For more information or to attend a meeting, please contact the Executive Assistant to the Head of School Gisela Walitzki at walitzkig@oes.edu.