Episcopal Identity & Chapel
We are an inclusive, pluralistic, 21st century Episcopal school welcoming people of all faiths and perspectives.
Our Episcopal tradition matters: Rooted in a rhythm of gathering and chapel reflection, OES educates toward a larger purpose - toward inclusion and respect, understanding and compassion, service and social justice, toward meaning and commitment beyond ourselves.
What is an Episcopal School?
Episcopal Schools educate the whole student—mind, body, and spirit—to become informed, compassionate, engaged citizens of the world committed to using their gifts for the betterment of self and others. Episcopal schools invite all who attend and work in them—regardless of faith, tradition, or perspective—both to seek clarity about their own beliefs and to honor those traditions more fully and faithfully in their own lives. Above all, Episcopal schools exist not merely to educate, but to demonstrate and proclaim the unique worth, beauty, and dignity of all human beings.
In this video, learn from our community what it means to be an Episcopal School: "Beloved Community: Our Episcopal Identity at OES."
What is Chapel?
Hear the voices of community members as they describe Chapel as a place where we create time for reflection, where student voices are heard, where community is celebrated, and where we recognize that we are part of something greater than ourselves.
Inquiry Matters and We Dig Deep
The Episcopal tradition values inquiry and reason as a way to true understanding, and as a school we encourage students to pursue questions wherever they lead, as well as to value the learning and thought we have inherited from the past. As a 21st century Episcopal School inspired by the wisdom traditions of the world and honoring the unique journey of every student, we do not shy away from engaging the questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? How will I realize my Power for Good? The Middle and Upper School religion curriculum, taught by both chaplains and other faculty, offers age-appropriate academic instruction. This program introduces students to the ways religious traditions create meaning and purpose, underscoring the significance of religious and spiritual thought and practice in human culture. We affirm the shared experience of embracing doubt and seeking the truth. We encourage students to think critically and to form their own understanding of the world. We don’t provide easy answers, we wrestle with the questions and we do it together.
We Commit to Using our Power for Good
It is the motto of the school and you will hear it often because it matters. We believe that every person has the opportunity to realize their power for good and to make a difference in the lives of others. We “strive for justice and peace and to respect the dignity of every human being” and we practice this work by cultivating compassion through acts of kindness. Our Community Engagement program spans all divisions and invites students to connect with one another on campus and beyond with our neighbors in Portland. In this way, we take collective steps toward justice in the world.
We Strive to Build Beloved Community
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. referred often to the concept of Beloved Community. As a diverse, open, and inclusive school, we strive to build a Beloved Community where all people are seen, known, and affirmed through a culture of equity, inclusion, and belonging. At OES, this work inspires our Commitment to Justice, civil discourse, inquiry, environmental stewardship, and realizing our power for good so that we might develop the resilient leaders the world desperately needs.